


  • Chair of the Magnuson Center for Entrepreneurship : Collectively, the student board organizes student entrepreneurship activities and workshops, draws student interest to venture capital and entrepreneurship, engages with Dartmouth alum in the innovation space, and works with the administration on programming, funding structure, and the development of academic programs such as the TuckLab Program. As chair, I work with our leaders to implement the Center’s key programs, and work with the Center’s Alumni Board as our representative.

  • Product Management at Pegasystems: As a product management intern at Pegasystems, I was given the opportunity to lead a team of 7 engineers to deploy a piece of machine learning software to production. A fellow intern and I built a NLP classification system to read bug reports sent to Pegasystems and automatically assign bugs to be resolved by the relevant engineering teams. The model completed this task by reading the bug report text, and looking for words/ phrases which indicated what type of problem the bug pertained to and therefore which engineering team was best equipped to handle the bug, based on their expertise. Once we completed the building of the model, this fellow intern and I were given a team of 7 engineers to deploy our work into product. We worked with this team over the course of 2 months, and by the end of our internship, had deployed our work on a company-wide scale.

  • Cofounder of Morton’s Top Floor Coffee : Built a specialty cold-brew coffee company & operated directly on campus. Sourced roasted beans through partnership with Flight Coffee co., a New Hampshire specialty roastery, brewed locally, delivered direct-to-dorm for our student customers. Through this process, I developed skills in leadership, team-management, buisness strategy, and negotiation.

  • Captain of Manchester Essex Cross Country Team : Throughout my senior year of high school, acting as captain of our high school cross-country team allowed me to develop my footing as a leader.

Coding Languages:


  • Key Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow, Matplotlib, skikit-learn, biopython, etc.
  • Experience: A variety of courses at Dartmouth, extensive use in my internship as a software engineer at Amazon, my work in bioinformatics, and personal projects. See my TensorFlow project page, my bioinformatics internship page, or my data science projects page for details.


  • Experience: Coursework in CS10 AP Computer Science, and extensive use as a SDE at Amazon. Built several applications in my CS10 course, including a huffman file compression algorithm, a viturbi machine learning algorithm, and a client/server program that allows multiple users to collaborate over the internet on a shared digital drawing (think Google Draw). Amazon is a java-centric software company, so the majority of my contributions to existing code bases at Amazon were coded in Java.


  • Experience: Gained a background in C through my CS50 course at Dartmouth, and the Operating Systems course I took abroad at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Wrote several thousand lines of code in both courses. See my tiny search engine or my cs50 final project for a look at some of the CS50 projects I completed.

Node JS

  • Experience: Learned Node through my Databases course at Dartmouth, and honed my skills in Node as a software engineer at Amazon. See an example web application I built through my databases course here.

SQL & Other Query Languages

  • Experience: Learned SQL though my Databases course at Dartmouth. Since then, I’ve also learned MongoDB, and Elasticsearch DSL.

AWS Cloud Development Toolkit

  • Experience: Through my internship at Amazon, I gained a strong background in leveraging cloud resources, utilizing a wide variety of services including serverless functions, managed databases, authentication services, autoscaling containerized services, and ordinary virtual servers. In addition, I gained extensive experience using the AWS Cloud Development Toolkit, a coding library that allows you to provision your entire cloud resources stack using code. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the future of cloud, and I believe that having this background in IaC will be critical in the years to come.

Matlab Matlab


  • Experience: I learned Digital Logic and VHDL through my Digital Electronics (CS56) Course at Dartmouth. You can view some of my work by taking a look at my RSA Encryption Module.

Software Tools :

Linux Command Line

  • Experience: Have spent 1000s of hours on the command line. Comfortable working with servers, web services, etc. Well versed in working with Debian, RHEL, and Arch-based systems.


  • Experience: Experience writing Dockerfiles, creating highly customized containers, writing docker-compose scripts, and working with automation tools like docker-swarm. Limited exposure to kubernetes. See my SSL Web Services containers or my nvidia-docker molecular dynamics containers for a sample of my work.

Other General Skills

  • Master of the vim editor
  • Working with git
  • Working with cloud services such as AWS
  • Strong knowledge of hardware and alternative processor design. See my personal server build, or my the RSA Encryption Module I built on an FPGA.
  • Strong knowledge of networking

Laboratory Skills:

  • Immunohistochemistry
  • PCR
  • Experimental Design
  • Microscopy
  • Basic Laboratory Skills
  • Handling, slicing, and mounting tissue
  • Analysis of tissue pathology (limited experience)