Cofounding Morton's Top Floor Coffee Co.

Cofounding Morton’s Top Floor Coffee Co.

Freshman year, my friend Jake Epstein and I started a specialty cold brew company, Morton’s Top Floor Coffee Co. We began with a simple goal: bringing quaity and convenience to the Dartmouth coffee scene. Over the second half of our freshman year, Jake, I, and our third-man Josh Cherner built a specialty cold-brew coffee company & operated directly on campus. We delievered “cold shot” cold brew concentrate drinks to students working late into the night or gearing up for a night out, and delivered direct-to-dorm cold brew drinks to our weekly subscribers each Monday.

After many months working to build our company, our efforts culminated in an offer for 30% equity and $300,000 in manufacturing backing to spearhead a new product division for one of the 4 largest cold brew manufacturers in the US. Ultimately, however, we decided to decline the offer due to a required 2-year period off from school. Although I have since moved on from the company, the process of founding Top Floor enlightened me to the incredible complexity behind even the simplest of companies. Through this project I developed my skills as a leader and manager, educated myself in buisness strategy, and learned how to enage in proper negotiation.

To learn more about our company, visit our about page and check out our products.