Data Science and Machine Learning Projects

Data Science and Machine Learning Projects

Over the years, I’ve engaged in a variety of data science and machine learning projects. Some of these were completed for class assignments, some were completed for work and later open sourced, and some were written purely to improve my own skills and pursue my interest in the fields of data science and machine learning.

  • Automated Bug Assignment using Natural Langauge Processing →

  • Predicting Antibody Origin Species Using Only Amino Acid Sequence of the Variable Regions →

  • CUDA-based Cryptographic Key Obfuscation →

  • Multiple-Regression Analysis of wine’s chemical properties and its quaity, as rated by oenologists. →

  • Applying Deep Learning to model the relationship between music listening behavior and mental health status →

  • TensorFlow Federated MNIST Problem. Learning how to perform privacy-centric on-device processing in TensorFlow. →

  • Machine Learning Mini-Projects involving perceptrons, naive bayes, CNNs, advanced CNNs with transfer learning, and reinforcement learning algorithms →