
Work experience, research, and personal projects.

Automated Assignment of Bug Reports using Natural Langauge Processing

  • 1 min read

As a Product Management Intern at Pegasystems, a fellow intern and I built an NLP-based classification system to read bug reports sent to Pegasystems and automatically assign those bugs to be resolved by the relevant engineering teams. The model reads in said reports in email (HTML) format, processes them and analyzes them, and attempts to identify specifically which engineering team would be best suited to solve the bug at hand.

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Data Science and Machine Learning Projects

  • ~1 min read

Over the years, I’ve engaged in a variety of data science and machine learning projects. Some of these were completed for class assignments, some were completed for work and later open sourced, and some were written purely to improve my own skills and pursue my interest in the fields of data science and machine learning.

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RSA Key Generation + Encryption on FPGA

  • ~1 min read

As part of our Digital Electronics (CS56) course at Dartmouth, my partner, Jake Epstein, and I decided to build an RSA security hardware module using an FPGA. We implemented both RSA key generation and encryption/decryption functionalities from scratch on the Xilinx Basys3 Board using the VHDL hardware description language. This research project involved extensive research, approx. 4000 lines of code development in VHDL, and hands-on hardware testing.

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Research at The Laboratory of Cognitive Neurobiology

  • 3 min read

My work at the Laboratory of Cognitive Neurobiology at BU Medical was my first foray into research, and an amazing experience. As a Junior in high school, I participated in my high school’s “Authentic Science Research”(ASR) Program. This program allowed a select group of seniors to study of scientific field of throughout the school year in the form of a research class.

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Cofounding Morton’s Top Floor Coffee Co.

  • 1 min read

Freshman year, my friend Jake Epstein and I started a specialty cold brew company, Morton’s Top Floor Coffee Co. We began with a simple goal: bringing quaity and convenience to the Dartmouth coffee scene. Over the second half of our freshman year, Jake, I, and our third-man Josh Cherner built a specialty cold-brew coffee company & operated directly on campus. We delievered “cold shot” cold brew concentrate drinks to students working late into the night or gearing up for a night out, and delivered direct-to-dorm cold brew drinks to our weekly subscribers each Monday.

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Building a GPU Server

  • 1 min read

As a way to become better versed in computer architechture, I decided to build a personal GPU server from scratch. This server offers me the capability to run accelerated machine learning workloads using NVIDIA’s CUDA, host web applications, and work on “the cloud” without leaving my own machine. To build the server, I used an Intel Xeon E5 Processor, a 1080Ti NVIDIA GPU, and a heavy-duty server motherboard complete with 32GB of memory.

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